Elder Activists for Social Change
Within our society, elders’ talents and experiences are largely untapped; their collective wisdom gained over decades of living lies fallow. This is an unfortunate waste of invaluable human resources that could be applied to addressing the serious societal and environmental problems that we face. In our nation, we see significant shortcomings in our institutions, both governmental and economic. The very systems we depend upon to address our social justice and environmental problems are in grave need of revitalization.
As elders, we inherently know that we can do much better. We have the benefits of time, talent, experience and know-how to guide making the needed transformations. Our vision is to initiate a cultural shift wherein elders reclaim our place in providing education, wisdom, and guidance within our communities. We become catalysts of a social movement in which all generations collaborate in evolving changes for our common betterment. In so doing, we find a new and rewarding sense of meaning in our lives, and we create a new elder culture in the process.